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Arthritis - An Overview Of The Types And Symptoms
9/22 12:02:29

Arthritis is never-ending joint pain. There are numerous types of this joint pain with different symptoms. However, the affect that it has on the joints is the common symptom. Different symptoms and the effect on the joints is what distinguish the different types.

Diagnosis occurs by monitoring all the symptoms collectively and examining if the effects continue over time. If the symptoms are symmetrical, meaning they occur on both sides of the body in the same joints, this would help in the classification of the type. The three most common types of arthritis are Rheumatoid, Osteo and Psoriatic.

The universal symptoms of this inflammatory condition are never ending pain in the joints, rigidity in joints when inactive, partial movement, touch sensitivity, body-corresponding joint pain, and swelling. These generally occur in the joints of the legs and the arms, especially the wrists and fingers. Another unexpected symptom is fatigue. Often, the person affected with arthritis will notice muscle fatigue in the morning. Along with the chronic joint problems this fatigue could be a result of poor sleep owing to pain during the previous night.

Common Types:

The most widespread arthritic type known is Rheumatoid Arthritis. In the United States more than 70 million people have been affected. The causes of this condition are still unknown to health experts, although bacterium or viruses have been suggested. Some theories formulated are that bacterium or a virus affects the people who already prone to this disease due to a genetic disposition.

Another type of this disease, referred to as Psoriatic Arthritis, has five different varieties. Each one is typified by the pain, unease, pulsating sensation, and sensitivity of the joint. Other symptoms are common such as inflexibility in joints as well as fatigue and stiffness in morning.

When bones have worn out causing them to rub together, severe pain is experienced plus the uncomfortable sensation of actually hearing the bones rubbing against each other. There are many causes for this inflammation of the joints including a sports injury, trauma, aging, genetics, or obesity or even chemical changes in the body.

Psoriatic Arthritis is similar to Rheumatic in symptoms, especially the symmetric form which affects the same joints on both sides of the body. The asymmetric form however, affects a maximum of three joints which may be different joints on different sides of the body.

Spondylitis affects the shoulders, spinal chord and neck. Mutilans causes severe deformation that affects the small joints in the fingers and toes. D.I.P. is another type of this disorder, which affects mainly the small joints.

If you observe any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment and relief of pain is available.


Arthritis is a never-ending joint pain. There are numerous types of this chronic disease, with different symptoms. Fortunately, this illness is treatable to the extent that the person can lead a relatively normal lifestyle.

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