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Cherry Juice Eases Arthritis Pain And Muscle Soreness
9/22 12:01:54

The genius of Mother Nature and intelligence of modern science is now evident is a single little fruit mostly grown in Northern Michigan. The offspring of folklore remedies and 21st food technology research is the amazing tart cherry.

This is fruit, which has been around since prehistoric man is now becoming the first choice for arthritis pain sufferers and those suffering from muscle soreness. In other words, this fruit is an all natural and complete muscle joint complex. So how can this be?

The cherry has long been the study of food scientists and medical universities for decades. In fact, the first published research of the natural joint benefits of this tiny red orb dates back to the 1950's. Since then a number of medical universities have conducted research on not only what makes the cherry reduce pain in the muscles and joints, but how it does it.

What is Secret to the Tart Cherry?

While the absolute answer to that question is still uncertain, we do have outstanding and scientific-backed evidence backing pointing to the anti-inflammatory secrets of this red fruit. According to research, the tart cherry is a natural source of a phytochemical called Anthocyanins. While there are over 350 different Anthocyanins current found in nature, the cherry offers a unique blend of specific Anthocyanins.

The unique and specific make-up of the Anthocyanins found in cherries are a natural COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors. This means the cherry helps to block the pain signs sent to the brain, so the body doesn't feel the pain. In addition, unlike some prescription drugs, tart cherries don't result in stomach issues if you drink tart cherry juice or take cherry capsules.

What is the Research to Back Up the Claims?

In regards to the reduction of muscle soreness, at least two studies have been published about its muscle soreness reducing properties. Both the University of Vermont and Oregon Health and Science University have both researched the muscle soreness reducing properties of tart cherry juice. The published research reports indicate the participants who drink the juice or a cherry juice blend in each respective study enjoyed less muscle pain and soreness.

In addition, studies from Michigan State University, Baylor University and more, indicate tart cherries or tart cherry-based products helps to reduce inflammation and pain. These results are positive news to countless arthritis pain sufferers.

Studies from some of the nation's most respective medical research universities all point to excellent results from the participants taking tart cherry-based products. However, fresh tart cherries themselves are often difficult to obtain due to their short available. Tart cherries are available for about four weeks during the short summer harvest.

So how can arthritis and muscle pain sufferers get the anti-inflammatory benefits of this fruit? The answer is tart cherry capsules, cherry juice, dried cherries and cherry powder. These are all products made from the cherry, but are available all year long. A reliable source for a large selection of tart cherry products is Traverse Bay Farms htp://
The company has been selling cherry products for almost a decade and can ship the cherry-based products to your door.

If you're looking for an all natural, science back anti-inflammatory fruit, consider the tart cherry.

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