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Trendy Veggies for Healthy Joints
9/28 16:30:36

Vegetables that can help fight off arthritis pain

Trendy Veggies for Healthy Joints

What do Kabocha, Kale and Kohlrabi all have in common? No, it's not they all start with the letter "K." These exciting, often unheard of, veggies are all jam-packed with goodness shown to help ease the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

And while crunching on the likes of broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous veggies have been shown to help fight off arthritis, a few exciting unique vegetables deserve some room in your shopping cart.

The next time you're at the grocery store, consider trying out these fresh picks to help protect your joints from the pain stiffness associated with arthritis.


If you like butternut squash, this option is for you. Its color and texture is similar to squash and is high in beta-carotene, vitamin C and antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage caused by inflammation.

The preparation is similar to squash, too. Simply halve the kabocha and scoop out the seeds. Brush the flesh with olive oil and roast it at 400 degrees for about an hour. Then scoop out the soft flesh to use in soups, casseroles, as a side or in pasta.


Spinach’s "cousin," kale is rich in vitamins C and K. It’s also a surprising source of calcium, which is good for your bones.

Chop a bunch of freshly rinsed and patted dry kale into 3 to 4 inch pieces and place in a large bowl. Toss lightly with olive oil and place them on a baking tray. Bake at 400 degrees until they're crispy, for a bone-friendly alternative to potato chips you can pair with a sandwich or snack on as a treat.


An alternative to turnips or potatoes, this veggie is loaded with sulforaphane, a compound found to block enzymes that lead to joint damage associated with osteoarthritis.

You can steam thin slices, roast kohlrabi wedges or experiment with it raw in salads.

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