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Physical therapy and exercises are the most preferred treatment of Arthritis
9/27 11:34:16

Arthritis is a joint disorder disease that involves damages in one or more joints. There are innumerable forms of this disease. The most common of which is caused by the infection of the joint. It is also a common disease which is caused in old aged people.

The common symptoms of Arthritis include pain in joints, swelling, discomfort in moving the joint, etc. along with these symptoms; there are also a few less common symptoms. These include weight loss, lack of sleep, etc. 

It is difficult to exactly determine the causes of ArthritisIt is so because there are a lot of factors which contribute in causing ArthritisMoreover depending upon the body of an individual, the symptoms of arthritis vary. Some of the common causes of arthritis include features like genetics, age and weight. There are high chances of getting this disease hereditarily. 

With age, the cartilage starts getting weak. It has less capacity of getting repaired on its own. So people with old age are more likely to develop this disease. The joint damage is somewhere also dependent on the load that the joints have. So people who have a high body weight are more prone to Arthritis. 

The diagnosis of arthritis can be made by seeking an examination from a health professional. There are a few tests designed these days. Some of the common tests which are done these days for diagnosing arthritis are radiology, and blood tests. Depending upon the time at which the pain occurs and the circumstances under which the pain arises also play a key role in determining the type of the arthritis. 

There is no proper cure for arthritis. Treatment options depend upon the type of the Arthritis. The treatment includes physical therapy and exercises, joint replacement therapy, and medications. Arthritis shoes are a very effective medication these days. Use of these shoes can help in reducing and fighting with the pain of this disease. 

Physical therapy and exercises are the most preferred treatment of Arthritis. Doing physical exercises is the most relaxing treatment. Exercises subscribed by the professional therapists help a lot in treatment of these diseases. In the initial days of arthritis, medication is subscribed. These tablets have fewer side effects and are highly effective. 

It is advisable for the patients of arthritis to have a well balanced diet. Keeping a check on your weight is very important if you suffer from arthritis. It is suggested that sugary or fatty things are not consumed by the patient. Although it is very difficult for the patients of arthritis to carry on with their daily tasks, there are a lot of therapies which help in reducing the effects and pain of the arthritis.

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