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Gin Soaked Raisins – A Treatment For Arthritis?
9/27 9:34:25

Gin soaked raisins not only taste good but also it is said that they help with arthritis. Some call it an old wives tale but so many have stated that the soaked raisins have helped them, that it may be worth a try. All you need to give it a try is golden raisins and gin. Put the raisins in a bowl, cover with gin and let it sit until the gin is evaporated. Probably a week to ten days and then start eating, it seems to be that nine is the number recommended to eat each day.

No one seems to know how or when this started. On the other hand, why you are supposed to eat nine a day, or even why it must be golden raisins but they must be golden according to every recipe around, black raisins will not work. It is a home remedy that has been around for a long time, there is even a company that sells, what they call, Drunken Raisins. The owner of the company started eating gin soaked raisins to help with arthritis in his hands and was so impressed with the remedy, that he started selling them himself to help others.

Of course before starting with this, you should check with your doctor to make sure it’s Ok and that it won’t interfere with any other medications that you are taking. If you get the OK from your doctor why not give it a try, there does seem to be some truth to a lot of the old wives tales and home remedies that have been handed down through the generations. While no one can say why this works, there is also no one to say that it doesn’t work and help either, so it’s worth a shot to see if it helps your pain.

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