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Devils Claw - What You Need To Know About It
9/26 15:43:57
This plant is also called grapple plant or wood spider. The scientific name given to devil's claw is Harpagophytum procumbens. It belongs to the sesame family. The fruit of this plant has hooks that help it latch on to animals so that the seeds can be spread far and wide. This hooked fruit is what gives it the name of devil's claw and grapple plant. In fact, the term Harpagophytum means 'hook plant' in Greek.

The devil's claw is found most commonly in Africa. The largest supply of this herb comes from Namibia with South Africa and Botswana also contributing their share.

Devil's Claw Through the Ages

In Madagascar and the Kalahari Desert, the Khoisan tribes are said to have been using this herb to treat various ailments from the ancient times. This herb is used here as an effective ointment to treat wounds and sores. It is also used to reduce pain and inflammation.

After the introduction of the herb to the European world, the root of devil's claw has been used to improve appetite and cure heartburn and acidity. This herb is found effective in treating joint related problems, too.

Effective Cure for Many Old Age Problems

A lot of research has been carried out into exploring the various medicinal benefits of devil's claw. These studies have revealed that this herb has some properties that help reduce pain in ailments and diseases that typically arise in advanced age. Devil's claw is found especially effective in bringing down swelling and reducing the discomfort caused by arthritis.

Many physicians recommend that elderly people take this herb in conjunction with other anti inflammatory drugs to help control the pain arising from osteoarthritis and gout. It has been seen that when this herb is taken, the patient can reduce the dosage of the pain relief medication they take for this ailment.

Oral ingestion of devil's claw also works well in controlling lower back pain. In addition, this herb promotes the physical functioning in those afflicted with arthritis and rheumatism. Arteriosclerosis is yet another common problem that can be relieved by the use of devil's claw.

Other than this, devil's claw is also a good cure for poor digestion and is often used as a digestive tonic. Elderly people who suffer from poor appetite use this herb extensively to remedy the problem.

What Makes Devil's Claw Effective?

This herb contains some compounds such as iridoid glycosides that have anti inflammatory effects. Scientific research has shown that harpagoside, which is found in significant quantities in devil's claw, is a pain reliever. When made into a tea, the bitter taste of this brew is believed to stimulate the digestive process and enables the digestive system to work efficiently. The roots and tubers (secondary roots branching from the main root) are both used as medicine in capsule, powder and liquid form.

Other than being an effective cure for many old age related problems, devil's claw may also be used to cure wounds, cuts, lesions and sores. This herb is also commonly used to treat disorders of the gall bladder, pancreas, stomach and kidneys.

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