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Fibromyalgia And Other Painful Conditions
9/26 15:43:27
Fibromyalgia is in the same family as arthritic disorders. Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by pain throughout the body. People with fibromyalgia are often tired, feel stressed over the amount of pain they feel, may feel more pain and more often throughout the body, and their skin can be sensitive to touch. They may also have a difficult time trying to get to sleep and staying asleep. They may also find physical activities to be unbearable. Other symptoms can include problems with temperature changes and pain when it comes to periods and problems voiding wastes.

Arthritis comes in a variety of forms including fibromyalgia. Arthritis is a condition that causes pain in joints and can be widespread or localized depending on the severity of the disorder. Symptoms of arthritis include difficulty doing activities due to pain in certain joints and rigidity in the body. Swelling of joint areas is another symptom of arthritis. When one has arthritis they might be prescribed a pain reliever to reduce the pain associated with the disorder. There are many over the counter pain relievers that are used by arthritis sufferers, as well. Arthritis is something that can be easily diagnosed at the doctor's office.

Soreness, Muscle Aches, and Pain
Soreness, muscle ache, and pain can often be used interchangeably upon discussing pain in the body. In this case one may have chronic pain that does not go away. Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than a set period of time as determined to be three months. This type of pain can range in severity. People with chronic pain will most likely have difficulty doing physical activities. Some people have soreness, muscle aches, and pain due to a mental health diagnosis, like Depression. Chronic pain can be treated by a doctor who will determine with you what would be the best treatment course.

Depression and Serotonin
Depression is a relatively common mental health diagnosis. Depression is diagnosed when someone feels sad for a prolonged period of time usually two weeks in adults. Symptoms of depression include feeling tired, inability to focus, problems sleeping or sleeping too much, problems eating or eating too much, and loss of interest in past interests. Depression is a disorder that is caused by the brain not being able to properly use Serotonin, which makes people happy. Depression can also cause pain in the body or be caused by someone who has constant pain in their body.

Massage Therapy
Massage therapy can be looked at as a luxury or necessity depending upon how much pain one has in their body. When one is tired or constantly in pain due to arthritis or fibromyalgia, massage therapy can make the person feel more alert as well as help the person to not hurt as much. Massage therapist are experts with what touch or technique will work to alleviate pain in pressure in particular areas of the body. There are multiple techniques for massage therapy so ask your massage therapist what would be best for your particular body pains.

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