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Kombucha Tea- The Elixir Of Life
9/26 15:43:06
Kombucha tea has been utilized as a health drink for approximately twenty five hundred years,It has been consumed for centuries in countries around the world from Russia to Japan and Korea.In the early 1900s,use of the tea spread from Russia into other European countries and throughout Germany,where it received rave reviews and was touted as a health elixir for optimum health.

People drink Kombucha tea for general health reasons. Many have claimed its use as a remedy for specific health conditions and diseases. Kombucha tea is a natural pro-biotic. It is used to introduce and improve healthy intestinal flora and bacteria,increasing energy and detoxifying the body and removing the toxins from the body. It is consumed on a daily bases to strengthen the immune system.
•Stimulating hair growth (prolonged use can turn gray back to natural,so they say!)
•Improve arthritis.(Auto immune disease)
•Skin conditions.(aged spots)
•And a myriad of other things.

Kombucha contains a small amount of alcohol, about as much as orange juice and should not be consumed with any medications that interact adversely with alcohol.Kombucha should not be taken by people with stabilized alcoholism to avoid irritating the condition.

Some people report general and specific enhanced health from modest use of kombucha tea.These reports are awaiting final confirmation by current study.There are certain risks connected with the use of Kombucha that has been contaminated by black mold or unsanitary brewing conditions.

Using Kombucha may be contraindicated in those who have medical conditions or require certain medications,always consult your health care provider if you are on medications. I first was introduced to Kombucha tea about 8 months ago at this writing. Having been diagnosed with a pre-diabetic condition a few years back,I'm always on the lookout for anything that would improve my health condition.

I began to study the effects of diabetes on my body and it was not appealing,for what it had in store for me,heart disease,blindness,kidney failure and a plethora of other problems.Having lost my mother and cousin to the disease, and several other cousins that live with diabetes,I understand that it is the number three cause of death in America. Well, I dove in and began to study Kombucha tea and everything that was said about it.

After careful study and how to make Kombucha tea and the anticipated health benefits that I would receive, I made the investment to get the equipment I needed to brew my own tea. After brewing and drinking Kombucha for six month, I can testify from my own experience how it help me to lose weight, gain energy, and much more, but, the real difference came when I received my blood work back from the lab,wow! What a difference it made in the short time I drank the tea.

Every test for Cholesterol, Triglycerides,HDL,LDL all had great improvements.I don't think taking any vitamins, health drinks, and yes Kombucha tea, heals anything, but, this is what I think all the healthy living and taking vitamins ,and drinking Kombucha tea doe's do, I think it puts our immune system into top shape, providing our bodies with the tools to fight off any disease that we may encounter.

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