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A - Z Of Powerful Weight Loss Strategies
9/26 15:43:04
ANTI-OXIDANTS There have been reports for years that the lack of antioxidants can speed up aging and deterioration, but now it is clear from new research a lack of antioxidants is fattening.

BIO-FLAVONOIDS are plant compounds that ensure healthy organs, veins and arteries, reducing fluid retention, cellulite etc.

CHLOROPHYLL is the green pigmentation in plants, fruits and vegetables - it's a really powerful detoxifier, stimulating the body to get rid of any excess fluid, reducing cellulite and toxins.

DRUGS some prescription medication can cause some people to gain weight - check if yours does.

ENZYMES. Making sure you get enough enzymes is vital to speed up every process in the body. In research it was found that the fat cells of overweight people had less enzyme activity, than someone of normal weight.

FIVE-A-DAY is the very minimum daily requirement that is given to the general public as a guide line, which most people ignore. Evidence shows few people eat that much in a week let alone a day!

HYDROXCITRIC ACID found in brindle berries and grapefruits, is reported to curb the appetite, and speed up fat burning.
INSULIN Control your insulin levels better which will help to control the fat content of our cells better.

JUICES Avoid fruit juices due to the fact all the fiber has been removed. This means they enter the blood stream too fast and disturb the blood sugar levels raise - encouraging hunger and weight gain. Smoothies are different they maintain the fiber and usually have a protein powder or a yogurt added, maintaining better blood sugar levels.

KEEP WRITING A food mood journal has shown to help people lose weight. You can down download a free 90 day journal on this site - daily weight loss tips, secrets, and inspirational sayings.

LEARN TO RE-EDUCATE OUR TASTE BUDS a very important aspect to gaining health and losing weight.

MINERAL Chromium is a vital mineral and deficiency causes a problem with insulin, and sweet cravings. Eating sugar regularly helps to contribute to a chromium shortage.

NUTS are a good thing to eat in moderation. Important rules - never eat peanuts, only raw un-roasted and unsalted nuts ie walnuts and almonds.

OFF THE COUCH - get moving anyway that suits you. It doesn't have to be down the gym, it doesn't mean you have to jog. Just get moving more. For instance if the phone rings get and walk around, anything just moving more.

PLATE SIZE Experiments showed time and time again people in general eat less when they use smaller plates or bowls.

QUESTION the hype the slimming industry advertising ups out there things like "instant weight loss that is guaranteed". If it was that easy most people would be slim, there would be very few obese people. As the advertisers point out its simple, it's easy, its quick, its....... If only that were true!

RELAX Everyone needs some R and R occasionally. Stress is fattening and it is impossible to avoid all stress, but you can find ways to handle it better.

SLEEP Good quality sleep has been proven to help people lose weight and maintain their weight better. After a good night's sleep your body maintains blood sugar levels better, and you are more energetic.

TRASH Completely clear out your kitchen cupboards - sort out all the food you have stored. Throw out all the out of date stuff (there is always some), put aside all the unhealthy stuff - read all the ingredients labels carefully - do you really want to be eating that? Put it aside and give to charity. Make a list of all the healthy food you would like to replace it all with.

UNITE Maybe you can get a friend to join you or a family member, other options are join a club or find a buddy on the internet. Some people do much better when they have support.

VOLUMIZE with more fresh food = less calories, more nutrients, less hunger, increased energy, better health and reduced weight. What do I mean by this - for example one large fruit salad (made with all the fruits you like) as opposed to a small piece of cake.

WATER Research points to the fact the brain gets confused between hunger and thirst, more often than people choose food instead of water. So get hydrated on a regular basis and you turn down hunger.

X-RATED All artificial chemical sweeteners should be banned from your diet - research has proven that they set up a need for more sweet and fatty foods. Besides it's not a food it's a chemical, adding to your toxic load.

YOGURT Choose the natural plain yogurt - it is a protein, fully of good bacteria - helping to ensure better functioning bowels.

ZEAL FOR LIFE. Change your thinking and your outlook. More laughter, start by watching more comedies - spend less time with miserable people. Have more fun in general, take up a hobby or learn a new skill.

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