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Joint Pain Relief on a Permanent Basis
9/23 15:23:01

Chronic joint pain is a common ailment for nearly one third of the American population. Joint pain can have many causes and diseases behind it, but the common reasons are osteoarthritis and sports injuries. People of all ages and activity levels can suffer from joint pain and if they are not dealt with at the correct time, they can get worse. Joint pain relief can be had through the use of prescribed medications. Though medications give long-term joint pain relief, there may be heart disease dangers involved and hence people are today looking for other alternatives.

Creams And Supplements

Today there are several creams and supplements available to help joint pain relief. The creams can be used for temporary relief and the supplements can be taken regularly. They are reliable and rarely have side effects. They are made of natural products, for example the emu oil supplements, and can provide joint pain relief for a longer period of time.

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT has proved to be a natural healing aid for joint pain relief. It is an emotional, needle free version of acupuncture in which there is a connection between the body’s energies, the emotions of the person and naturally his health. EFT gives extraordinary natural arthritis pain relief and anyone can learn this simple technique and begin using it.

For joint pain relief it is also possible to use a non-powered orthopedic traction device which makes your treatment natural, drug free, convenient and affordable. It is possible to have the device at home and use it just for a few minutes every day. It is especially good for people suffering from sciatica or any pain on your back. You have to lie down on the traction device and you can get instant relief.

For the purpose of joint pain relief there are several over-the-counter medications available like ibuprofen and naproxen. These pain relievers help to ease muscle and joint pain, at the same time there are some risks involved. But even natural alternatives may have side effects, though not to a large extent.


Each medication or treatment for joint pain relief has a different effect on each patient. The side effects could be from mild to severe, depending on the dose of the medication, how it is taken and the patient’s genetic qualities. The best medication that you can choose for yourself for joint pain relief should be one that relieves you of the pain the fastest and which gives you the least side effects.

If you have muscle soreness or joint pain after any kind of sports activity, it should disappear completely within a week. If the pain lasts longer, then it is a symptom of a more serious injury and a qualified doctor should be consulted.

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