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Knowing the Arthritis Signs and Symptoms is First Step to Relief
9/23 15:22:53

While millions of people suffer from various forms of arthritis, recognizing and understand the arthritis signs and symptoms may bring them relief quicker. While there is no known cure for arthritis, there are many mediations as well as some alternative treatments that can relieve the pain and stiffness typically associated with the disease. More people need to know that different forms of the ailment can be accompanied by different arthritis signs and symptoms and only a professional medical provider and appropriate testing can determine the cause and affect a cure for the symptoms.

There are also many misunderstandings about arthritis, especially among those who do not suffer from the disease wit one of the most common being that the arthritis signs and symptoms are present on a daily basis. While many suffer frequently, it is possible that medication and other methods will relieve the symptoms allowing them to function as though they did not suffer from arthritis.

Some of the most common arthritis signs and symptoms include joint pain, swelling and in some cases a redness around the joints. Those suffering the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis may also experience pain in muscles and tendons in the area surrounding the inflamed joint. Typically, the arthritis signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis will appear in the smaller joints, but have also appeared in the major joints such as the knees and hips as well.

Morning Stiffness May Not Be Caused By A Bad Mattress

Some people may suffer from arthritis signs and symptoms but choose to ignore the possibility of having he disease. In many instances, those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis may feel sore and stiff when they crawl out of bed in the mornings, only to have the problem ease the longer they are up and moving. Many times the arthritis signs and symptoms will disappear in an hour or so, leading them to believe that a new mattress will eliminate the symptoms.

This can be especially true for those showing hip arthritis symptoms in which pain is located in the hips when they get up in the mornings. After moving around for a short time, the arthritis signs and symptoms may seem to disappear and they blame it on their sleeping position or the condition of their mattress.

However, after replacing their old mattress they find that many of the arthritis signs and symptoms remain and only then take their complaints to their doctor for confirmation. This can be especially true for those not admitting that age could be a factor, since many times arthritis will place no age limit on the individual it chooses to attack.

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