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Acupuncture for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Heel Pain
9/23 15:21:54

Misery loves company, as sufferers of both rheumatoid arthritis and heel pain know all too well. Both rheumatoid arthritis and heel pain can be tricky to diagnose and even trickier to treat. You might be tested for lyme disease before arthritis, as the pain is very similar. Since lyme disease is more dangerous than arthritis, this test is important. Once you are diagnosed, then you might find relief from the ancient art of acupuncture.

No, I'm Not Kidding

Alternative medical therapies have proven to do better with long-term chronic conditions than with conventional treatments for some people and animals. You should not completely disregard the benefits of conventional medicine when getting treatment for your rheumatoid arthritis and heel pain. The best approach is to combine conventional and alternative treatments in order to get the relief that works for you.

About Acupuncture

Yes, acupuncture is that ancient treatment of sticking needles into your body. At first thought, you would think acupuncture needles would make your rheumatoid arthritis and heel pain worse. But most people, horses, cats and dogs usually feel very relaxed during an acupuncture session – many even fall completely asleep.

You don’t just use any needle with acupuncture. The needles are super fine and usually are inserted into areas of your body where you cannot feel them. When you do feel them (it happens), the needles feel like either a mosquito bite or, at worst, like a bee sting. An acupuncturist takes years of training before they are allowed to practice.

Acupuncture is thought to have been developed in China about 8000 years ago. Needles are not inserted at random – they are based on a map of the energy system of your body called meridians. The needles are like lightning rods, drawing more healing energy to where it is most needed. Although it might sound strange, acupuncture has given relief to millions over the millennia.

An acupuncture session for rheumatoid arthritis and heel pain is not just about getting needles inserted and then withdrawn from you. The acupuncturist needs to know your medical history and will wish to collaborate with your conventional doctor for treatment. They will often prescribe traditional Chinese herbs to help with your pain. They will also want to know your diet and urge you to exercise regularly.

Some people prefer getting acupuncture for treatment of their rheumatoid arthritis and heel pain because acupuncturists or practitioners of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) take more time with their patients than conventional doctors do.

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