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Back Pain Doctor - Treatment And Case Study By Dr. Ronald Mullen
9/22 15:20:21

Back pain doctor - Treatment and Case Study by Dr. Ronald Mullen
If you have back pain, and are searching for a back pain doctor who can help you get relief with long lasting results then here you may find that the natural therapies offered in Dr. Ronald Mullen’s office can serve your needs.

Back Pain Treatment by Dr. Ronald Mullen
Neck, back pain, lower back and sciatic pain can be caused by common disc problems: disc herniation, bulging disc, degenerative disc disease (DDD), bone spur and stenosis.  The therapy in my clinic is to focus on restoring the damaged disc structure and healing the disc injuries.  By healing the disc injuries, the associated pain and sciatica will be eliminated.   Patients usually notice improvement in 2 to 3 weeks.  With total 3 months of treatment, patients can expect a complete recovery with full functionality and total pain elimination.

Case Study on Back Pain Treatment

Ronald Mullen, AP  921 East Ocean Blvd., Suite #2, Stuart FL 34994
                                                                 I am a 51 year old Acupuncture Physician with a busy practice in Florida. In the 1980s I sustained a back injury which resulted in sever, unrelenting pain. The pain radiated through my lower back and down the right leg. For years I struggled with this excruciating pain, unable to work, indeed barely able to function. MRI scans revealed three herniated lumbar discs, for which I received multiple epidurals. During my this time I was also treated with many therapies, including physical therapy, traction, a body cast, all without the slightest relief. Back surgery was ruled out as an option for my type of injury, and I struggled daily without much hope of relief. Through a friend’s referral, I found an Acupuncture Physician and began treatment. And after two months, I was able to function again. (Which lead me to go back to school to study Oriental Medicine), I also added a stretching and strengthening program and was able to get back to a relatively normal life. My back though is much better, still caused problems periodically. I had developed some arthritis in the area of the old injury. I decided to try the herbal supplement, having seen great improvement in my patients who were using this product. Even as a practitioner, I could not believe the difference I felt after using the herbal treatment for six weeks. My back felt stronger and my range of motion and flexibility improved enormously. I continued to take the herbal formula for three months and have felt complete relief of my symptoms. The herbal treatments have helped my patients and me and I find exceptional relief.

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