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5 Ways To Improve Bone Health Through Pilates
9/22 15:19:17

Pilates Reformer is a machine used in Pilates classes that creates resistance via its pulley and spring system to produce a more challenging strength and endurance workout as compared to mat classes. Pilates Reformer classes are very useful in improving bone health particularly for the seniors and obese since it has zero impact on the joints.

Pilates Increases Bone Density
Bone density is the amount of mineral matter in your bones and is often used as an indicator of osteoporosis (a common aliment amongst the elderly) and the probability of fractures. As the amount of bone density increases, the risk of osteoporosis and fractures decreases. Pilates Reformer, a form of resistance exercise, helps to increase bone density as it strengthens your back and stomach muscles which in turn reduces the risk of osteoporosis and aids in the slowdown of erosion in certain bone joints especially the pelvis and shoulders. It also helps in the loss of belly fat and tone up the whole body.

Pilates Promotes Mobility
Pilate movements often involve stretching and strengthening the muscles which improves coordination and flexibility of joints; this in turn promotes mobility that is crucial for the elderly. With enhanced coordination and flexibility of joints, seniors can look forward to the ease of daily movements such as walking and bending as well as the reduction of injury risk as a result of falls.

Pilates Has Zero Impact On Joints
Pilates is known to have zero impact on the joints as there is a lack of repeated weight pounding on the joints as seen in aerobic exercises. In addition, the fact that a majority of Pilates movements is done on your belly or back relieves the tension created on joints during exercises. As such, Pilates can be practiced daily without worry about injuries to the joints. Such is its benefits, that even an 80 year old elderly and a 12 year old child can practice Pilates on a regular basis.

Pilates Strengthens Inner Core Muscles
Core muscles are made up of the abdominal wall, spinal muscles, pelvic muscles and the diaphragm. All these muscles form the foundation for movement and work together to keep the trunk of your body stable. Strong core muscles is essential for keeping your back healthy, body upright, improving your balance and allowing free movement of your arms and legs. If your inner core muscles are weak, it will cause other muscles to have to pick up the slack and the results will be hunching of shoulders and an aching back amongst other ailments. Pilates help to strengthen the inner core muscles that hug the bones and organs to provide better support of the skeleton structure via various sets of Pilate movements. These movements will help to build up the core muscles so that the skeleton structure will be able to better brace the body frame to ensure that the body remains upright and healthy.

Pilates Promotes Proper Alignment Of The Skeleton Structure
Pilates enhance body awareness which leads to a better posture. Good posture via the proper alignment of the skeleton structure ensures that there is a healthy alignment of bones and curves of the spine which will allow muscles to maintain their normal length resulting in the decrease in unnecessary back strains that may occur due to daily chores.

In essence, Pilates is able to improve your bone health via the above mentioned five methods. Since Pilates have little impact on your joints, this makes it a safe exercise for all including the elderly and obese. Start reaping the benefits of Pilates in a Pilates studio today!

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