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Chewable Calcium For Kids: Preventing Bone Weakness And Other Health Problems
9/22 15:19:06

Children need calcium for proper bone strength as they grow and to help prevent a variety of health problems, including poor blood clotting, osteoporosis and insufficient bone density, which can lead to broken bones and other problems. Boys and girls who are lactose intolerant or are allergic to dairy products may have trouble getting enough of this essential mineral. Picky eaters and those who are on a restricted diet for health reasons can also suffer from a deficiency of this mineral. Fortunately, chewable supplements for kids are an easy way to supplement your kids' daily intake so that you're sure they are getting enough of this vital nutrient.

Recommended Dosages For Children

Children always need vitamins and minerals as they are growing and their need only increases as they grow. The recommended daily dosage of calcium for boys and girls were recently outlined by Health Canada as follows:

Age Recommended Dietary Allowance Tolerable Upper Intake Level

Infants 0-6 months: 200 mg 1000 mg
Infants 7-12 months: 260 mg 1500 mg
1-3 years: 700 mg 2500 mg
4-8 years: 1000 mg 2500 mg
9-18 years: 1300 mg 3000 mg

Available In Several Forms

Calcium has to be in a compound form in order for the body to properly utilize it. This means that you won't find it in any pill, liquid or capsule by itself. It comes in various formulations, including citrate, carbonate or phosphate, all of which are acceptable forms for children's vitamins. In many formulas, you'll also find vitamin D in some form. The two ingredients work well together to encourage absorption by the body.

Chewable Calcium For Kids Is Easy To Swallow

You can find this vital nutrient in several different supplement forms, but not all of them work well within the body and some can be difficult for children to swallow. Liquid capsules are quickly absorbed by the body, but they can be rather large, making them difficult for young people to swallow. Other popular forms include wafers or solid pills, but these aren't usually popular with the younger set, particularly if they try to chew them, as they can have a bitter or chalky taste that children will avoid. Most parents prefer to give their family chewable calcium for kids because they are soft and chewy, much like gummy candies, and easier for their offspring to chew and enjoy.

Parents should also take into consideration any food sensitivities or allergies their family may have when choosing a supplement. Chewable calcium for kids that is manufactured in a nut-free and allergen-free facility is a good idea if your children have ever evidenced any kind of food allergy or sensitivity. Be sure to check the label, which should clearly state that they were manufactured in an allergy-free facility. Also check to make sure that it is from a non-dairy source if your children are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy.

Choosing the right chewable calcium for kids will be easy if you keep in mind the appropriate dosage for each age group, read the labels carefully and follow Health Canada guidelines.

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