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Superfoods for Super Bones
9/28 9:40:23

A lot of people think that the main root of osteoporosis is the shortage of calcium in their diet. However, in the total situation, calcium is only a small part of the puzzle. Though calcium supplements may certainly benefit, there are other dietary concerns that have to to be checked.

Indeed, the primary dietary root of osteoporosis is the eating foods that are extremely acidic in nature, such as refined white sugar, refined white flour, high-fructose corn syrup, soft drinks, cookies, candies, sweets, desserts, and anything containing sweeteners. The over-consumption of these goods causes the pH level in your blood to be very acidic. In an try to stabilize this, your body hits out for any calcium and magnesium it can find, and releases those into your bloodstream in an effort to keep the pH level at a healthy balance.

For that reason, with each soft drink, candy, cake and goodie you indulge in, you are robbing your skeleton of its bone density. The calcium and magnesium the body harvests in an attempt to counteract this acidic environment gets passed through your kidneys, where it can also provide to kidney stones and exits your body through your urine. To keep losing your bone mass to dietary causes, purely avoid consuming any white flour, processed sugars, added sugars, soft drinks, sweets, candies, breads, or any other ingredients that are made with refined carbohydrates.

Also, a couple superfoods, such as broccoli, cabbage, celery and other dark green leafy vegetables help keep the pH balance in a healthy equilibrium. You need to get a lot of calcium and magnesium from healthy sources like organic, plant-based vitamins. You also need to supplement your diet with different sea vegetables, which are genuinely alkaline. Those include seaweed, kelp, and many others. Sprouts are also an excellent superfood decision.

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