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Tietzes Syndrome
9/27 14:37:35

Tietze's Syndrome

Tietze's means so much more than "inflammation of the costal cartilages." People need to understand that -


Costochondritis is disabling at times and is usually self limited but then again there's Tietze's...

"By definition, Tietze's Syndrome is the inflammation of the costal cartilages, or the cartilage in between the rib cages and where the rib cage meets with the sternum. That is not my definition though. Truth be told I am just a kid, and to a teenager Tietze's is much more than "inflammation of the costal cartilages."

Tietze's means having to stop dancing because of the pain when moving the upper body.
Tietze's means having to stay home when friends are going out because getting out of bed is difficult.
Tietze's means not being able to do the school musical because singing is difficult when it hurts to take in a breath.
Tietze's means taking excessive pain killers to make it through the school day.
Tietze's means coming home from school and sleeping for four hours because sleep could not come the night before.
Tietze's means being late to classes because the backpack was too painful to carry and multiple trips to the locker had to be taken.
Tietze's means putting the things I love to do on hold because I can't do them.

Tietze's means so much more than "inflammation of the costal cartilages." People need to understand that. I am not looking for sympathy, I am simply stating how my life has changed since being diagnosed with Tietze's."

Source: Excerpt from The Norm: My Story, A kid with Tietze's Syndrome, October 4, 2009.

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