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Are You Missing Something Like The Inside Of Your Bones Part 4 Of 4
9/26 15:55:01

What are the best sources of calcium?

Contrary to what we were raised and continue to believe and contrary to what the National Dairy Council promotes and advertises, the foods that are critical for strong bones and teeth, and, indeed, the rest of the body, are not milk, cheese, yogurt, or calcium pills.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains and beans, are absolutely critical in the prevention of osteoporosis, along with the prevention of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, and strokes. These are the premium foods for the promotion and support of health, fitness, and life.

Do I mean that plant foods like fruits and vegetables provide enough calcium for human health? As surprising as that may sound, absolutely!

Let's use our sense of logic for a moment.

Where do minerals like calcium come from in the first place? Calcium comes from the ground'the soil. Human beings can't eat the soil to get their calcium because the calcium in the soil is totally indigestible and unusable.

That's where plants come in. Plants absorb the calcium from the water in the soil and transform the unusable calcium into a usable form of calcium for human beings as well as other mammals.

When in doubt, look to nature for answers.

Where do large mammals like cows, horses, giraffes, apes, and elephants get their calcium? From plants, and not a huge variety at all. As adults, they don't drink milk and the milk of another mammal at that. And they don't eat cheese or yogurt or calcium pills.

If these mammals with large, strong bones and teeth can get all the calcium they need from plant foods, so can our little human bodies.

Fruits and vegetables contain plenty of calcium as well as all the other nutrients, protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, and micronutrients, that are essential for energy, strength, health, and fitness of a human being.

Unlike milk and milk products, fruits and vegetables provide premium calcium and nutrition without the excess fat, cholesterol, animal protein, allergy-producing milk sugar, antibiotics, disease-causing pathogens, and cancer-related hormones that come in milk and dairy products.

Is it any wonder that fresh fruits and vegetables are the keys to not only the prevention of diseases, but also the promotion of health and fitness and the ideal level of activity and purpose in life?

Along with eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole plant foods, it is important to avoid and even eliminate those foods that rob your bones of calcium: animal products, caffeine (even one cup a day?ouch, that one hurts doesn't it?), alcohol, sugar, salt, and pop, along with some drugs and smoking of course.

And, don't forget the importance of exercise. No matter how old you are, it is never too late to start. Studies have been conducted that showed that women as old as ninety years old can improve their bone mass with the addition of weight-bearing exercise.

Now isn't that is encouraging?

You can take charge of the strength, health and fitness of your bones, your body, and your health'starting right now!

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