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6 Painful Knee Conditions That Can Be Treated By Top Orthopedic Surgeon Phoenix AZ
9/23 10:14:21
Knee pain can be caused due to a variety of reasons, ranging from overuse to trauma to an underlying medical condition. Knee pain can be debilitating, preventing you from you from going about your routine normally. Leading orthopedic surgeon Phoenix, Dr. Sumit Dewanjee at FXRX Orthopedics can treat your knee problems, even knee replacement, to restore function and motion of the knee. Here are the common causes of knee pain that can be treated by the top Phoenix orthopedic surgeons.

Meniscus tear
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from a meniscus tear in the knee.

* Pain in or around the knee
* Swelling
* Pain at the inside or outer side of the knee

A meniscus tear involves a tear in the cushion-like meniscus of the knee joint. Meniscus tears occur when the knee twists, commonly during sports activity or due to normal wear and tear. The best orthopedic surgeon Phoenix AZ, Dr. Dewanjee, treats meniscus tears with Outside-In, Inside-Out, Open Repair and All-inside Arthroscopic Technique.

Ligament tears
The following symptoms indicate ligament tears in the knee joint -

* Feeling a pop in the knee associated with an injury
* Mild or severe pain
* Knee instability
* Swelling that limits movement

There are two main ligaments in the knee - the medial collateral ligament (MCL) and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Ligament tears in the knee can cause acute and chronic pain. The MCL injuries occur more commonly. Ligament tears are often caused during sports or recreational activities. One of the best Phoenix orthopedic surgeons, Dr. Sumit Dewanjee of FXRX Orthopedics, treats ligament injuries with reconstructive surgeries.

A bursa is a fluid filled sac that cushions the bones, ligaments, tendons, muscle, and skin. Overuse, arthritis, infection or prolonged pressure can cause inflammation in the bursa resulting in bursitis.

* Pain in the affected knee, especially with motion or pressure
* Swelling in the knee
* Redness and warmth

The top orthopedic surgeon Phoenix AZ, Dr. Dewanjee, is highly experienced in treating all simple and complex knee conditions and injuries.

Tendon Injury
Tendons connect muscles to bones. Repeated activity, wear and tear or aging can cause tendon injury including tendon inflammation and/or tears.

* Pain in the knee
* Tenderness
* Loss of strength
* Limited movement

In Osteoarthritis, the cartilage that cushions the joints breaks down with age, causing bones to rub together and get damaged.

* Pain in the knee joint
* Stiffness
* Limited motion
* Tenderness
* Swelling in or around the joint
* Sensation of grinding and pain with movement

Leading orthopedic surgeon Phoenix AZ, Dr. Dewanjee, is an expert in cartilage regeneration and repair.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Patellofemoral pain syndrome appears as pain in the front of the knee due to overuse, injury, excess weight, or problems in the kneecap. Symptoms of this condition are -

* Pain in the knee
* Pain that increases when sitting with your knees bent
* Pain that increase when squatting, jumping, or using the stairs
* Occasional knee buckling
* Catching, popping, or grinding sensation with movement

Dr. Dewanjee, the leading orthopedic surgeon Phoenix AZ, at FXRX Orthopedics, is has been awarded the Patients' Choice Award 7 times in a row for his skilled, compassionate care. To book an appointment, call 480-449-3979 or visit NOW.

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