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See An Orthopedic Specialist For Effective Back Pain Relief
9/23 10:14:05
Back pain is the most common reason given for absence from the workplace. It affects more than a third of the adult population every year. While anti-inflammatory drugs can mask the pain, they do not offer a long term solution. Osteopaths who are certified in orthopedics focus on diagnosing and treating problems with the spine, vertebrae and adjacent tissues. An orthopedic specialist uses effective drug-free, manual techniques to relieve pain and improve functionality.

The back is an intricate structure which becomes prone to injury due to age-related degeneration and normal wear and tear. Backaches can be caused by working at a sedentary job, being overweight, bad posture or poor muscle tone. Problems may develop over time or come on suddenly when lifting, twisting or bending. Ruptured discs, sprained ligaments, pinched nerves and strained muscles call all result in chronic pain.

Back pain is most often located between the lower ribs and hips. This is because the lumbar region is subjected to more stress than other areas of the spine. Aches and pains may spread down into the legs or upwards to affect the neck and shoulders. They are usually accompanied by stiffness or tension and range from general soreness to sharp stabbing sensations.

An orthopedic specialist has extensive training in manual physical therapy techniques for relieving back pain and improving function. The particular manipulations used will depend on the patient's individual needs. Gentle adjustments, manual traction and deep tissue massage can help to remove pressure from joints and nerves, release tense muscles and increase range of motion.

Auricular acupuncture is another technique that can be used to treat persistent back pain. The system is based on neurological and muscular correspondences between the ear and the rest of the body. Stimulating precise points on the outer ear with tiny acupuncture needles can promote healing in damaged areas of the spine.

A doctor specializing in orthopedics will assign a home exercise plan to every patient. These exercises are intended to compliment manual therapy. They strengthen back muscles, improve posture and enhance flexibility. Patients can accelerate recovery and lower their risk of future back problems by performing them every day.

Therapy sessions with an orthopedic specialist generally last around forty minutes. Most patients experience a significant improvement in symptoms at some point during their first four treatments. As specific problems are addressed and balance is restored, the body will regenerate damaged tissues. This natural healing process results in long-term back pain relief.

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