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How To Treat Lumbago Naturally With Herbal Products?
9/23 14:09:16

Lumbago is a serious medical condition which is associated with the pain in lumbar region. It is generally known as severe lower back pain.

Lumbago is a serious medical problem which is associated with the pain in lumbar region. It is generally known as lower back pain. An individual suffering from lower back pain experiences mild or severe pain in his lower back region. The pain may vary from person to person. Some may experience sudden and acute pain while others may suffer from chronic pain which may last for several months. This medical problem can occur in any age but, people engaged in hard physical work are more prone to develop lumbago. Individuals reaching retirement age are also prone to develop lower back pain. There are several treatment options available in the market but, herbal products, such as Rumatone Gold capsule and massage oil, can help to treat lower back pain in a healthier manner.

There are several causes of lower backache. It may develop due to wrong posture when walking, bending, or sitting. Lifting heavy objects frequently, can also lead to this medical problem. However, some of the most common causes of lower backache are mentioned below.

1. People associated with unaccustomed over-exertion may develop lumbago.
?. Soft mattresses do not support the spine, due to which sleeping on them may cause lower backache.
?. Sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular exercise.
?. Aging process induces stress on the spinal region, which can develop into lumbago.
?. Deficiency of calcium is one of the leading causes of lower backache.
?. Any medical complication can cause lower backache, for example constipation, pelvic disorder, rheumatism, kidney problems, etc.

The symptoms of lower backache are quite simple. And, any individual suffering from this medical problem can suffer from some or all following symptoms:

1. Mild or severe pain in the lower back which might also be felt in buttocks, groin area, or down into back of the thighs.
?. Stiffness of neck which is caused because of pain in the muscles that surrounds spine.
?. An individual would experience difficulty in bending forward or leaning back.
?. Due to severe pain in the lower back, posture of the affected person may change.
?. Tingling sensation, feeling of numbness in the back, buttocks, or in both legs could be due to lumbago.

As mentioned before, there are many treatment options to treat lower backache. But, usage of herbal products would provide an excellent opportunity to get rid of lower backache in a natural way. Rumatone Gold capsule and massage oil are two very famous herbal products that treat lumbago without inducing any negative effects on the health, unlike chemical based products. Using these two herbal products in combination would help in the treatment internally as well as externally. On one side, Rumatone capsule resolves the issues of lower back pain internally by reducing the inflammation in the joints. On the other side, Rumatone massage oil works externally by improving circulation of blood in the affected areas. These two herbal products contain potent mixture of rare herbs which are used since ancient times to resolve issues of joint pain.

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