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Stress Causes And Symptoms And Home Remedy Treatment And Advice For Stress Management
9/22 11:42:38

Stress is the effects on ourselves that we experience as a result of interacting with our environment, eg, our supervisors, our workplace, others in the organization, etc. There can be positive and negative stress. Positive stress can result in our taking action to successfully solve problems in our life and work and can result in feelings of excitement and fulfillment. Negative stress can result in our feeling frustration, resentment and anger -- and even burnout and despair, along with a myriad of physical problems.

Read more on Hypertension Relief and Memory Improvement and also visit on Home Remedies for Stress

Stress Treatment and Advice

1.If you feel alone, seek out family members and friends, or community, religious or social services. They can offer support and companionship.
2.Try to accept family members and friends as they are, even if they don't live up to your expectations.
3.Make yourself busy. Prepare a plan for shopping, visiting friends and other activities. It will help prevent any mental stress and grieve.
4.Take sufficient sleep for 8-10 hours.
5.Listen to light music. It is also very helpful in stress reduction.
6.Do not take foods or drinks with alcohol, caffeine, chocolate or sugar.
7.You can also take vitamin A and B to and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, to reduce the feeling of irritability and anxiety. They are also useful to relieve stress.
8.Regular physical exercise plays an important role in the fight against stress.
9.Take a hot bath to reduce stress.

Home Remedies for Stress

1.Another effective home remedy would be to prepare a decoction of Holy Basil leaves. For this, add 20 to 25 leaves in half a liter of water. Boil this decoction until it gets reduced to half. Strain the mixture and drink it while it's still warm.
2.Prepare a paste with dry ginger and water/ milk. Apply this on your forehead. Its cooling properties will help ease off the stress a bit.
3.Take some betel leaves and wash them in water. Place the leaves on the forehead and leave them there for sometime. This is likely to bring relief from stress.
4.Bishop's Weeds (Ajwain) are effective in treating stress. Put a handful of the seeds in a handkerchief and sniff them for sometime.
5.Exercise, yoga and meditation are likely to relieve a person from stress, provided you indulge in them on a regular basis.
6.Include lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits, salads, whole wheat grains, beans, grams, sprouts, eggs, cheese, soybeans and fresh curd in your diet.
7.Cut down on the consumption of junk foods, oily and over fried foods, sugar, sweets and alcohol.
8.It is advisable to have 5 almonds, along with a glass of warm milk, every morning, to get relief from stress.
9.Sage is valuable in the treatment of stress. In a cup of boiling water, add a tsp of dried sage leaves. Now, cover the cup with a lid and let the leaves steep for sometime. Strain the decoction and add honey to it. Drink this liquid while it's still warm.

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