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Home Remedies For Arthritis And Diet - Cure Arthritis
9/22 12:07:22

Arthritis is a prehistoric disease; archeologists have found skeletons of the first humans, with evident cases of arthritis. But modern medicine, has not yet found the reason why, this condition affects more then 100 million people around the world. However, there is evidence that humans have been using Home Remedies for arthritis pain for thousands of years.

The simplest home remedies for arthritis are applications of cold packs and hot packs to reduce pain and inflammation. Cold packs, like ice, frozen peas if you’re icing a joint peculiar in shape, or store made packs that can be frozen should be applied for 10-15 minutes three to four times a day. Many patients find more relief when they combine hot and cold therapy. After using a cold pack, applying a heating pad for the same period of time can further reduce pain.

Bake one or two egg- plants. Mash and fry in about 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric, garlic and salt can be added while frying.
Dosage: Take once daily for two to three months for relief.

Mix 3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of Epsom Salt in one pint of warm water and take one teaspoon in the morning and one at night.

Another very popular home remedy for arthritis is Certo. You mix in one tablespoon full of Certo in a small glass of cranberry or grape juice. Drink two to three glasses a day. A number of people with arthritis swear by this.

For arthritis cure take 10 grams of camphor and 200 grams of mustard oil. Mix in a glass bottle and close with a tight cork and keep the bottle in the sun till the camphor dissolves. Massage the affected area daily.

Massage the affected area daily with a mixture of 10 grams of camphor and 200 grams of mustard oil. However after mixing the required ingredients make sure you let the mixture be kept out in the sun. This is to allow the camphor dissolve.

An effective home remedy for arthritis is potato juice. You simply make a juice from potatoes and then consume the juice. Many older arthritis patients bring this home remedy for arthritis to us from many generations of effective use. It is believed that potatoes play an effective role in eliminating the pain that is associated with arthritis

The tea made from the herb alfalfa, especially that from its seeds has shown beneficial results in the treatment of arthritis. The patients benefit greatly by the alkalizing of food residues aided by this tea. Six or seven cups of this tea should be taken daily by arthritics for at least two weeks.

Drink one cup of ginger tea with two teaspoons of castor oil added before going to bed. It helps to heal the inflammatory condition of rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis Diet

The diet can go a long way in curing diseases. The diet of the arthritis patient should be planned along alkaline lines and should include fruits and vegetables for protection, proteins and carbohydrates for energy. Red meat and dairy products are destructive whereas a vegetarian diet, or one including fish, with plenty or raw fruit and vegetables can do miracles. Cabbage, carrot, celery, cucumber, lettuce, onion, radishes, tomatoes and watercress may be used for raw salad. The cooked vegetables may include asparagus, beets, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, celery, brinjal, mushroom, onions, peas, beans, spinach, tomatoes, squash and turnips.

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