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3 Fun Hobbies You Can Still Do with Arthritis
9/28 16:25:49

With a few easy modifications, you can continue enjoying your favorite pastimes without aggravating your arthritis symptoms.

3 Fun Hobbies You Can Still Do with Arthritis

Just because you have arthritis does not mean you have to stop participating in your favorite hobbies and activities. With a few easy modifications, you can continue enjoying your favorite pastimes without aggravating your arthritis symptoms.

1. Gardening

A fun and simple activity, gardening is a hobby with a multitude of benefits. You spend time outside in the fresh air, grow healthy produce for you and your loved ones to eat and make the world brighter by planting beautiful flowers. If you experience arthritis in your hands or knees, however, this once-enjoyable task can become a bit daunting. Kneeling down and trying to handle certain tools may cause pain and stress that takes the fun out this wonderful activity.

The Athens News recommends that gardeners with arthritis choose plants that are low-maintenance, so that their upkeep does not become a burden. Additionally, purchase tools with larger grips - if you have arthritic hands, you will be able to hold onto these pieces more easily. Use raised garden beds to avoid routinely bending already aching knees, or try gardening using containers that you can place on your kitchen table or countertops.

2. Knitting, stitching and sewing

While it might seem unlikely, it is possible to continue your needlework passion while you deal with your arthritis. According to the Arthritis Foundation, you just need to look at the hobby like it is a sport - you should always warm up and try not to practice it for long periods of time so that you do not hurt yourself. In order to prepare for your hobby, the Arthritis Foundation suggests placing your hands in warm water to loosen and relax your joints.

Instead of heavy metal needles, use ones made from bamboo or birch when you knit. They are extremely lightweight materials and will put less stress on your fingers. You should also knit flat on a circular needle at all times - instead of resting on your sore wrists, the weight of whatever you’re knitting will fall on your lap. For cross-stitching, use thimbles made of leather or rubber for traction. Use embroidery hoops that have clamps so you can attach them to furniture, allowing you to relax your grip on the hoop and therefore saving your joints from some added stress.

3. Cooking and baking

This is a great hobby for people trying to manage their arthritis symptoms. Furthermore, it can be picked up at any age, so even if you have not spent too much time in the kitchen, it is not too late to start. Even if your condition prevents you from kneading dough or hand mixing something thoroughly, there are a plethora of new kitchen tools that can help you become a master chef.

According to The Athens News, food processors, stand mixers, bread machines and ergonomic spoons can help you get through even the toughest recipes. Starting a cooking hobby is not only a great way to pass the time, but it can benefit your health as well. Experiment with healthy recipes or update some of your favorite treats with more nutritious ingredients.

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