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What is Homeopathy?
9/26 16:18:04

Homeopathy is a holistic system that respects the wisdom of the body. It utilizes remedies that stimulate the body's own immune and defense system to initiate the healing process. It is an approach that individualizes remedies according to the person.

Homeopathy is actually an ancient system of healing dating back to Hippocrates. It really did not become fully recognized, however, until about 200 years ago. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German linguist and physician is credited for that revival. By doing testing on himself and others, Hahnemann discovered that using very small amounts of various substances adhered to the idea presented by Hippocrates that the law of similars -an ancient principle that recognizes the body’s ability to heal itself-was correct.

The purpose of homeopathy is the restoration of the body to healthy balance, which is its natural state. It works by gently boosting the natural energy of the body, and are very safe, even for pregnant and sensitive people. There is no danger of addiction or toxicity.

The Similimum or Law of Similars

The principle of homeopathy is that minute amounts of safe, non-toxic, natural substances that are derived from the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms can be used to activate the law of similars. This basic law of homeopathy is similia similibus currentur: 'let likes be cured with like'. The first homeopathic principle states that any substance that can make you ill can also cure you - anything that is capable of producing symptoms of disease in a healthy person can cure those symptoms in a sick people. For example: A person who chops an onion can develop watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, and throat irritation from exposure to the onion’s active substances. The homeopathic remedy, Allium cepa, made of red onion, can help the body overcome a cold or allergy attack in which the person has similar symptoms (watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, or throat irritation.)

The Whole Person

The concept of treating the 'whole person' is an essential element of classical homeopathy. The basis of this belief is that symptoms, diseases or pains do not exist in isolation, but are a reflection of how the person as a whole is coping with stress. The whole person that counts - not just the physical body but also the mental and/or emotional 'bodies'. Homeopathic prescription is based on the totality of symptoms, rather than a single symptom. For example, the person who has trouble falling asleep at night would most likely require a different homeopathic remedy than the one who falls asleep easily but then ends up wide awake and restless in the middle of the night. Even the last category could be broken down into one who wakes with bad dreams or wakes hungry or wakes feeling chilly or wakes with a headache. Sure, all of them have insomnia, but each of these point to different homeopathic remedies.

How Does Homeopathy Work?

The interesting research is being undertaken to understand how such highly-diluted remedies have profound and curative effects. Formal studies show that homeopathic remedies, when used correctly, are significantly effective. Researchers theorize that, during preparation, an energetic change occurs in the remedy substance and its medium of dilution (usually water), enabling them to trigger and stimulate the body’s healing processes .

Hilda Spektor, ND

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