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Combine Glucosamine And Chondroitin To Relieve Pain Of Osteoarthritis
9/26 15:43:11
Arthritis affects the motor abilities of over 30 million people. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis that people experience. While there are over 130 joints in our bodies it can affect any of them. Most commonly it is in our hips, knees, shoulders or elbows.

It is caused by a wearing down of the cartilage between the bones of our joints. This causes them to rub together causing pain and discomfort. Some early warning signs of the disease are stiffness when you wake up in the morning, joint pain during damp weather, or soreness in your joints after normal activity.

Researchers do not know the exact cause of osteoarthritis but some feel that it may just be a matter of getting older. Others feel that heredity may be another cause. There are some families that pass on minor defects in the joint structure that may trigger the onset of the disease. People that are overweight may develop it due to the increased load on their hips and knees. The good news here is that with just a small reduction in weight the problem can be dramatically reduced. Another cause may be sports or work related trauma.

Glucosamine, being an amino sugar, is an essential building block of cartilage and connective tissue. It is actually used to build a larger molecule called proteoglycans. These larger molecules combine with other substances to build the connective tissues that our bodies require. They actually absorb water giving our cartilage elasticity and cushioning abilities. Without glucosamine tissues such as tendons, ligaments, nails and mucous membranes would not be able to form properly.

Our bodies usually produce all the glucosamine that we need. The problem being that over time those requirements will change. This is due to injuries, burns arthritis or other inflammatory diseases. When bodies are are not producing enough glucosamine the production of cartilage will also decrease reducing the protection to our joints.

For this reason researchers started looking at glucosamine supplements. What they found is that these supplements, when taken orally, can lead to increased production the molecules needed for cartilage production. They also determined that these supplements do not have the toxicity of some prescription drugs such as Cox-2 Inhibitors. You need to be aware that glucosamine supplements are derived from shellfish. Therefore, anyone with shellfish allergies should speak to their doctor before starting any supplementation program.

A naturally occurring substance in cartilage is Chondroitin Sulfate. The function of Chondroitin is to draw water into the cartilage giving it more elasticity. It also protects the cartilage from breakdown by harmful enzymes. It is derived exclusively from cattle products and works in conjunction with glucosamine. This combination of glucosamine and Chondroitin has been prescribed for years in some parts of Europe to promote good joint health.

According to research there is no evidence that Chondroitin promotes cartilage production. Studies have shown that it promotes mobility and relieves joint pain caused by loss of cartilage. It also promotes entry of glucosamine into the joints. For this reason glucosamine and Chondroitin should be taken together.

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