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Organic Derivatives Restore Periodontal Health
9/26 14:18:22

A new group of biologically active omega 3 fatty acids have the potential to cure the periodontal inflammations and restore the healthy gums, Boston University researchers said.

The new group known as “Resolvins” has two types which are made up EPA and DHA omega fatty acid. Both of these compounds control the triglyceride level in the blood and prevent the process of atherosclerosis in the body. DHA and EPA are already widely used to reduce the inflammation of Croh’s disease of rheumatoid arthritis. The use of these substances has already been established before the representation of the new findings of the International & American Association for Dental Research.

Resolvins have two series that can be categorized as RvE1 and RvD1 which are derived from EPA and DHA respectively.

Research showed that RvE1 protects against bone loss and degeneration of soft tissue linked with gum diseases and also restore the damage, occurred to the bones and tissues, to an optimum level.

In this particular study researchers infected the rabbit with P.gingivalis, the bacteria that is the major cause of gum infection in humans. They observed the treatment with the RvD1 provides beneficial in the recovery of gum diseases. The study findings actually seconds the hypothesis of the researchers that derivative resolvins of DHA and EPA are potent components to resolve inflammation of the gums and excellent for periodontal health care.

Tags: DHA omega, EPA omega, fatty acids, gum diseases, omega 3, rheumatoid arthritis, triglyceride level

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