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Vitamin K Benefits: Bone And Cardiovascular Health
9/22 15:19:19

Before you take osteoporosis pills or any of those statins or olols for your bone health problems and cardiovascular diseases, try taking Vitamin K supplements. Recent studies suggest that this nutrient have just been proven to keep your bones strong and your heart healthy.

Vitamin K one of fat soluble vitamins in the famous group ADEK, together with Vitamins A, D, and E. The body needs this nutrient in order to produce blood clotting factors like prothrombin to prevent haemorrhage. Vitamin K is actually not a single vitamin. It comes in three forms namely, Vitamin K1 or Phylloquinone, Vitamin K2 or Menaquinone, and Vitamin K3 or menadione. All these three forms of Vitamin K are derived from various Vitamin K sources and health benefits as well.

Phylloquinone is the more natural form of Vitamin K, derived from plant sources like green leafy vegetables. Vitamin K2 or Menaquinone is produced in the body by the beneficial bacteria normally residing in the intestines. Lastly, Menadione or simply Vitamin K3 is the synthetic form of this fat soluble vitamin. Among these three, Vitamin K2 is more often produced into supplements like Doctor’s Best Natural Vitamin K2. It is also combined with other nutrients like Vitamin D for more sustained Vitamin K benefits. Now Foods Vitamin D-3 K-2 is a perfect example of this Vitamin D and K synergy. Vitamin K2 is also the form responsible for the bone support and cardiovascular health benefits of Vitamin K.

Vitamin K2 for healthy bones works by keeping calcium stored and absorbed by the bones, to prevent bone demineralization or the loss of minerals in the bones. Vitamin K2 supplements are also thought to inhibit the formation of osteoclasts, or one-destroying cells. Furthermore, it helps form osteocalcin to increase bone density. Osteoporosis is a very common bone health problem affecting the elderly, especially women. The bones become spongy, increasing the tendency for fractures. Common signs and symptoms of osteoporosis include dull bone and muscle pain, dowager’s hump (stooped posture), neck and low back pain, and fractures with very unlikely causes.

By keeping calcium within the bones, Vitamin K2 prevents it from accumulating in other parts of the body like the blood vessels. When used in other metabolic processes, calcium is absorbed in the intestinal tract and goes through the bloodstream. Calcium is often deposited into the walls of the arteries, narrowingthem and requiring for increased pressure to pump more blood. The increased pressure leads to high blood pressure or hypertensions. More serious consequences of calcium into the circulation include heart attack, stroke, embolism, and thrombosis.

Vitamin K, especially Vitamin K2 is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy bones and cardiovascular health. Vitamin K2 supplements are used in the treatment of osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and prevent recurrence of heart attack and stroke.

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