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Taking Prenatal Vitamins For Your Health And The Health Of Your Baby
9/23 8:58:33
If you're pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, you've probably hears about prenatal vitamins and how they can help you and your baby in this time of growing. These supplements are specifically designed for just that.

Many women take these kinds of vitamins because they have been proven to do wonders for hair and nails, but it may not be safe for people who are not pregnant to be taking them. There are extra nutrients in these vitamins that provide more for the growing fetus along with the mother to be. It is possible to overdose on certain kinds of vitamins, so care should always be taken when considering what kinds of vitamins you're going to be taking (pregnant or not).

Calcium is one supplement that pregnant women are often told to increase. This will not only help your bones stay strong, it will also help the baby develop strong bones as well. Milk, cheese and dark leafy vegetables contain quite a bit of calcium, but most people don't get enough of these things in their regular diets. Pregnant women need extra calcium not only for bone health, but helps prevent blood clots as well.

Getting more iron can also be helpful. Twenty seven milligrams is what should be taken when you're pregnant. Iron can be found in meats, beans and spinach. Iron will help increase the volume of blood in the mother. Having extra blood can be an advantage when it's time to give birth because of the amount of blood that will lost upon delivery.

Folic acid helps to prevent spina bifida and other neural tube defects. Spina bifida is a condition in which the the spinal cord sac protrudes from the back when the neural tube does not close correctly. It can lead to long-term disabilities for your child. Fruits such as oranges, and strawberries contain folic acid, along with leafy vegetables. One thousand micrograms of folic acid (also known as vitamin B) can be taken during pregnancy to help support the healthy growth of your baby.

There are other prenatal vitamins that contain specific amounts of other vitamins and minerals as well. Talking to your doctor to determine what your specific needs are when pregnant is the best way to find out what will be best for you. Eating a healthy diet along with taking supplements can help to make your journey into motherhood a much happier experience.

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