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neck problems
9/26 8:41:24

QUESTION: Im 56. year old male and in good health but in my lifetime I have always had bad posture. A few months ago my neck started bothering me feeling like I could feel something in the back of my neck like a rope. After feeling the area I could not feel anything out of the ordinary but I do have creases in the neck where the flesh is but I dont think this is anything new. I can move my head in a full range of motion,front back left and right but the muscles feel tight.As I was saying the neck feel like I am acutely aware of the neck folds which feel like a band around the back of my neck. If I hold my head up straight it doesnt feel like this but then my ears stop up.This happens over and over. I do have neck or muscle pain very minor but this is more annoting than anything. I dont mind correcting my posture but the ear thing is driving me a little nuts.When my ears stop up I can hear my pulse in my ears. Now I do have allergies real bad this year and sinus problems as we live in the south with so many allergens but this isreally bothersome. AmI now paying for years of slouching and bad posture? Could this have  something to do with arthritis and degenrative problems.Arthritis runs in our family. My question is could the ear stopping up on standing straight be something to do with neck muscles or do you hve any ideas what might be going on? I havent had any accidents or anything. Thanks in advance for your help.Michael

ANSWER: michael,
    Actually the nerves that exit in between the top 2 vertebrae in your neck go to and control your inner, middle ear and your sinus'. you may have pressure on those nerves due to a slight misalignment of the neck bones (vertebrae), also called a "subluxation"
i would consult an upper cervical specific chiropractor or just any good chiropractor for your problem.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for such a quick reply. Will this continue to get worse if I dont see someone or could it go back into place on itson? Is this dangerous? Im a little timid about going th a chiro. I heard some controversity about it. Thanks in advance , Michael

It probably will not go away. Your symptoms may go away, or they may not. You will continue to get arthritis if those mis aligments aren't corrected. You could also wear down your discs if you haven't already.
The myths I've heard are completely unfounded.  I'm not sure what or where you have heard these things you speak of. It is the leading alternative healthcare in the USA. Chiropractors malpractice insurance are a tiny fraction of what a general MD pays (that should tell you a lot). Insurance industry does their homework. You should be much more afraid to take ANY medication over seeing a chiropractor.  

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