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How to Ease Arthritis Pain With Natural Remedies
9/22 17:42:37
Living with arthritis can be very painful. Chances are after being diagnosed with arthritis you began scouring the internet for ways to help ease your pain. Most people want to find natural remedies to help their arthritis instead of relying on medications.

First, you need to know about arthritis. Arthritis simply means inflammation of joints. There are two main types of arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Both of these types affect the body differently.

Osteoarthritis is caused by the cartilage around the joint deteriorating. Without this cartilage, the joints can not move as smoothly. The body's way of compensating for the lack of cartilage is to grow extra bone. The bone that has grown is not the same as cartilage, which creates stiffness and pain in the joints. This condition mostly affects the elderly, but can also affect younger persons who have experienced injuries to the joints. The most common location for osteoarthritis is the knees, hips, and shoulders.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune condition that causes inflammation of the joints. A majority of people experience symptoms on and off. Stress, fatigue, and sickness are triggers for flare ups. Rheumatoid arthritis can be diagnosed at any age, and can cause joints to be permanently disfigured.

It is believed that the following natural home remedies can help alleviate symptoms of both types of arthritis.

1. Calcium: Taking daily calcium supplements can help strengthen bones, and help the pain of arthritis. You can also eat calcium enriched foods to get calcium if you do not like supplements.

2. Potato Extract: Wash a potato, and thinly slice it with the skin on. Place the slices in a bowl of water, and cover overnight. The next morning drink the water.

3. Copper: It is believed that copper can strengthen the muscular system, which can help with flexibility. You can get copper from supplements, copper bracelets, and some forms of water. You want to be careful to not take copper in excess, as it can throw the balance of chemicals in your body off.

4. Glucosamine Sulphate: This supplement helps reduce inflammation. This is a great method for those who do not suffer from severe arthritis.

5. Turmeric & Garlic: Add these seasonings generously to your cooking to enjoy their anti-inflammatory properties.

6. Bananas: Eat just bananas for up to three days. Bananas are full of potassium and the vitamin B6. Eat bananas when they are just starting to develop spots.

There are some foods that are "trigger" foods, or foods that cause arthritis symptoms to be worse. These foods should be avoided as much as possible:

Caffeine: Drink caffeine free coffees, teas, and sodas

Dairy Products: Opt for Soy Milk and Soy Cheeses.

Red Meat: Stick to lean meats such as chicken and pork.

Corn: Choose less starchy vegetables such as asparagus.

Sugar: Try to reduce the amount of sugar in recipes, and look for sugar free alternatives of your favorite foods. Avoid artificial sweeteners as they are trigger foods too.

Citrus Fruits: Try to select less acidic fruits such as grapes and plumbs.

Wheat: Choose white bread instead of wheat.

Salt: Salt causes the body to retain fluid. Read labels carefully for their sodium content, and try to stay under 1,000 mg of sodium a day.

Maintaining flexibility of the joints is extremely important as well as doing natural home remedies for arthritis. Doing gentle Yoga or Pilate is a great way to improve and maintain flexibility of the joints. Be sure that you do not overstretch. You should only do what feels comfortable to you.

Remember that it is important to communicate with your health care provider regarding your arthritis before starting any natural remedies. You should also disclose any natural remedies that you are currently trying.

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