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How Glucosamine Can Improve Joint Function
9/23 15:23:09

For those people who suffer from any form of arthritis and especially osteoarthritis and are now looking for ways to treat the effects of this condition through more natural and alternative ways, one such way is by supplementing your diet with Glucosamine. This particular substance is a type of amino sugar which our bodies create naturally and it is believed to help the cartilage found between our joints to be repaired or even to create new cartilage altogether. In fact many people who suffer from osteoarthritis have found this particular supplement to be extremely beneficial. They have found by increasing the amount of Glucosamine in their bodies often helps to alleviate the pain and other effects that are caused by osteoarthritis. Below we provide you with some further facts relating to Glucosamine that you may find interesting.

In Europe the medicinal form of glucosamine has been prescribed for treating arthritis for many years now. However it is only recently that this particular substance has begun to appear in the USA as a dietary supplement. During the 1980's and 1990's various clinical trials were carried out in Europe by the European Patent Holder, Rottapharm. These trials helped to show just how beneficial glucosamine could be. It was during these trials that suggestions were made that glucosamine could actually help to prevent the cartilage being further damaged rather than just helping to relieve the pain as NSAIDs (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) do. In fact for some people who now take glucosamine supplements have found that they are far less dependent upon NSAIDs in order to help relieve the pain they feel when suffering from osteoarthritis.

Over the years there have been many clinical trials carried out to see the effectiveness of glucosamine as a medical treatment for osteoarthritis. But the results being provided by these trials have been conflicting at times. Because there is has been so much conflicting evidence about its effectiveness, there are debates still ongoing through the medical world as to whether doctors should actually be recommending this particular supplement to their patients suffering from osteoarthritis. What is important to note is that people who do use glucosamine do not feel any immediate relief from their symptoms but will only really start to feel the benefit of taking it after a couple of months.

In some studies carried out it has been found that some people who have suffered from either mild or moderate osteoarthritis found that it provided them with the same kind of pain relief they would get from taking NSAIDs. NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. In further research carried it has started to show that by taking not just this but also chondroitin sulphate in order to treat their osteoarthritis that they had begun to slow down the damage being caused to the cartilage. Many people who have used NSAIDs for any extended period of time in order to treat the affects of different forms of arthritis can start to suffer from other health problems as well. They may find that they start to suffer from upset stomachs and in some cases excessive use of NSAIDs has been linked to both kidney and liver failure. Studies carried out in respect of glucosamine have not only show how effective it is in treating the symptoms associated with arthritic problems but is also a lot safer.

Because glucosamine is a dietary supplement in the USA it is unregulated so the quality as well as what is contained in each supplement can vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer. So when it comes to selecting a supplement to take it is important you choose one from a company that is well established such as MonaVie. Also before making your purchase make sure you read exactly what ingredients each supplement contains and that you understand exactly what each one is. If you have difficulty in understanding what the ingredients are speak to your pharmacist or research them a little further online.

Anyone who takes this supplement will find that one of the most common side effects is that stools become softer and the amount of intestinal gases the body produces increases. For those people who do suffer from these unwanted side effects they may find that just changing to another brand of glucosamine supplement will help to alleviate the problems.

Please note that women who are pregnant or who are trying to get pregnant as well as children should at no stage ever be taking glucosamine supplements. Although there have been a few studies carried out there is not sufficient enough proof to provide us with what effect it has on the foetus or a child as they develop.

As glucosamine is in fact an amino sugar it is important that people who suffer from diabetes who are taking this supplement will need to make sure that their blood sugar levels are checked regularly.

Unfortunately as we grow older our bodies begin to degenerate and our joints start to stiffen up reducing our ability to move as freely. This is because the joints within the body begin to wear down and the cartilage around them can not be effectively replaced. This can then lead to people suffering from certain conditions such as osteoarthritis, and in some people this can be quite a debilitating condition, making it much more difficult for them to lead what would be considered a normal life. However supplements that contain glucosamine are now being used by many people suffering form arthritis or just general joint pain and stiffness in order to help slow down the process and also ease the pain that they are feeling.

Glucosamine is an active ingredient in MonaVie Active in convenient liquid form and as explained above helps maintain lubricating fluid in joints, promotes flexibility, range of motion and comfortable joint function and provides a natural building block of healthy cartilage.

Modern science has now validated the remarkable benefits of the Acai Berry. The acai berry is a rich source of protein, healthy fats, essential vitamins and minerals. MonaVie also contains the Acai Berry.

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